Ví dụ
3.2.1 Installation for Website
● Free Solution: In this part, we will demo deploy on Vercel
o Access to Vercel
o Connect a Git Provider
o Choose repository which contains source code of Garage Finder Web
o Setup following in Environment Variables of project:
▪ NEXT_PUBLIC_BASE_URL: Put API URL in this field (Example:
▪ NEXT_PUBLIC_CLIENT_ID: Put Google OAuth 2.0 Client IDs in this field
o Click to Deploy
o Done
● Paid Solution: In this part, we will demo deploy on Digital Ocean
o Access to Digital Ocean
o Create an app
o Choose repository which contains source code of Garage Finder Web
o Choose a proper hardware plan
o Add Environment Variables the same as free solution above
o Click Create Resources
o Done
3.2.2 Installation for API
● Access to portal Azure
● Create an app service
● Create a SQL server
● Create a storage account
● Download visual studio 2022: link
● Create a Mailjet account and config API: link
● Create a Twilio account
● Create a VNPay account
● Config appsettings.json:
○ Access file appsettings.json
○ Config ConnectionStrings to azure sql database
○ Config Twilio: AccountSID, AuthToken, VerificationServiceSID
○ Config Azure to connect to a storage account
○ Config Mailjet and VNPay
● Deploy database
○ Open source
○ access to Package manager console window
○ type command: $env:ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT='production'
○ type command: update-database
● Deploy API
○ Access to dev Azure and create a project
○ Publish source to dev Azure
○ Create a pipeline and connect to app service
○ Run pipeline and deploy to app service
● Done